Thursday, June 18, 2020

Training in a Pandemic - Who needs a gym when you have the park

My Murph Test training of a year ago has morphed into a workout that has become a core part of my training regime:  

Twice per week, usually on Monday and Friday I jog to nearby park and do a variation of 3-5 sets of the following: 

  • 20-25 chin-ups

  • 20 jump squats or jump lunges (alternating) 

  • 25 push-ups mixing in some other core plank work 

  • 1k run around park with some bounding / high knee / sprints on grass or dirt field 

The park workout has some clear advantages - 
  1. Time management - In one hour I accomplish strength, cardio, core and form work -- versus the time-consuming showering and changing and travel involved in separate running and gym sessions
  2. Financial savings - The park is free 
  3. Enjoying the outdoors - Always good to get outside, especially lately, and especially in scenic park surroundings 
  4. Working on weaknesses - I never ever broke up my usual stay run or strength sessions to incorporate explosive movements like jump squats, but they serve as break between push-ups and chin-ups 

That said, when the fitness center fully re-opens I anticipate paying the monthly  fee and start swimming and lifting weights. 

But I won't entirely abandon my park workouts.  

1 comment:

TokyoRacer said...

That's a good workout!