RUN ONE - 17:47 / 21st
The first run segment is stupendously fast for me. Keren had advised me to go out hard on the initial leg and I was determined to stay with teammate Ishida-san, a top, Kona-level triathlete who I felt confident I could keep up with on the run. In fact I desperately struggle to hang with Ishida-san and am thinking my run sucks, but then towards the end I realize I am maintaining a fast 3:30 per kilometer pace on a winding, cross-country type course. My first transition after the fast run is surprisingly smooth for me.
BIKE - 55:35 / 92nd
My bike effort is decent. I generally seemed to hold my ground with guys around me which was my goal, but my accelerations off the numerous 360-degree turns is poor - other riders consistently pull away from me (and apparently my equipment is not aerodynamic enough and I should go spend lots more money on gear...)
RUN TWO - 21:13 / 27th
My second transition is comically inept. My hands are cold and I just cannot get my running shoes back on. It seems like hours and hours go by as I fumble with my helmet strap and gloves and velcro shoe straps and laces..
The second run effort is mediocre. I start at 4 minute per kilometer pace which is an acceptable run start for me in a Half-Ironman or even Olympic Distance triathlon, but for a short duathlon I would hope to be able to launch back into the run at 3:50 pace. Some of the duathlon competitors obviously do a lot of brick training - I have never been in such a fast run in a triathlon, usually I am passing all other triathletes on the run, but not so much on Sunday. I do manage to pick up the pace toward the end of the 5.3k.
As I expected I place in a similar position as in a triathlon. One might think that substituting running (my strength) for swimming (my weakness) would enable me to be more competitive. But it seems that the caliber of runners and cyclists who cannot or will not swim is strong.
Teammates Ishida-san and Chris are near overall front, while Geraldine and Keren capture first place in their age divisions, Keren finishing a few seconds behind me (but in a different wave).
I wish for an opportunity to do another similar duathlon right away and improve on the second two legs of the event, but I see no other chance for a duathlon until Calfman rolls around again next February.