Alas the Angkor Wat

So on December 15th I delightedly greet 16 other Namban and MR25 runners as we converged at Casa Angkor Hotel from different flights from Singapore, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Vietnam. Casa Angkor Hotel is charming and comfortable enough, especially at only $45 per night. For the next for days we feast on superb Khmer curries and fish amok at atmospheric restaurants and hang out at the cafes of pubstreet and sleek FCC. One of the pleasures I find in Southeast Asia is travel by the open tuks-tuks. Siem Reap's streets are still mostly streaming along with bicycles and pedestrians and dogs rather than completely clogged with cars and trucks. Granted the streets are often strewn with garbage, but the colonial architecture, parks, tree-lined and upscale new hotels are impressive. For a country with average per capita income of $200/month and the huge wealth disparity between the visitors and locals, the people of Siem Reap strike me as friendly and unaggressive relative to other developing countries I have recently visited.
Cambodia seems to be priced like a 100-yen shop (one-dollar store) - everything for foreigners costs $1 - tuk-tuk rides of widely varying distance, french bakery items, coffee, cards, papers, books, beer, trinkets, internet usage, etc. I neglect to learn the rule that foreigners are supposed to use US dollars and I convert some Japanese yen at the airport into 200,000 Cambodian rial, and immediately found how wildly inconvenient it is to use the local currency. Fortunately I find a New Zealand Bank ATM machine along a dusty street which rather remarkably spit out a stack of US $20 bills.

I had yet to visit the Angkor Wat site prior to arriving for the race in the pre-dawn darkness on Sunday morning. So it was a transcendent experience watching the sun rise over the temple complex as we warmed up. So transcendent that I only realized I left my chip in the van as officials announced that there were 3 minutes to the starting gun. So after a frantic dash to get the chip, I had a bit of adrenaline going at the start and went out in 3:45, a pace which proved too ambitious. In fact I was already fading by the U-turn at 4-kilometers, dropping to 4-minute pace. I probably would have felt OK about this but for the fact the Singapore mates running the opposite direction (Arnaud, Mika, Chuck..) all yelled out comments like "C'mon Jay get up there" "What is the matter with you Jay" "Lets get going Jay - you are supposed to be with the leaders". Wow, I thought America was a competitive place. Apparently Singapore is a much more demanding environment than the relaxed and accepting Namban Rengo culture.
From 7k to the finish I found myself beside a Cambodian teenager running the most erratic pace. We talked and encouraged each other though my command of Khmer language is limited. I managed to look around and admire the course even though I was working pretty hard to maintain 4-minute pace.
From 7k to the finish I found myself beside a Cambodian teenager running the most erratic pace. We talked and encouraged each other though my command of Khmer language is limited. I managed to look around and admire the course even though I was working pretty hard to maintain 4-minute pace.

Anyway after that the boat is a relatively comfortable, upscale backpacker experience The boat crosses the remarkably vast Tongle Lake and its colorful floating villages, and then down the Tongle RIver where you get a glimpse of the lifestyle of rural Cambodia. I found it pleasa

After the fun and camaraderie of Angkor Wat, talk turns to the next run-as-an-excuse-to-travel and several people start preparing for (I am not kidding) the Gobi Desert Half-Marathon
Great report! I like that Gobi desert idea...
Hi! I was there at Angkor Wat Halfer too! But I was much slower than you as I was distracted by the beautiful wats. Check my report at http://runwitme.blogspot.com
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