The consulting firm Mercer ranked the Swiss city of Zurich number one among global cities in its 2007 quality of life ratings (Tokyo is 35th. My hometown, Seattle, at a distant 49th at least managed to edge out Dhaka and Port Au Prince).
I certainly found Zurich a pleasant place during my stay there this past week. Everywhere I looked was so aesthetically perfect that it ceased to seem real, and felt more like a movie set or a Las Vegas casino faux version of a European city.
Of course the real criteria of livability for the readers of this blog centers around triathlon conditions. I can report that Zurich ranks pretty high on these standards. Most impressive was the sight of people swimming in the clear blue water of Lake Zurich right outside of the center of the city. In April no less. I also saw a number of cyclists on the bike lane around the 55-kilometer lake.
Of course the real criteria of livability for the readers of this blog centers around triathlon conditions. I can report that Zurich ranks pretty high on these standards. Most impressive was the sight of people swimming in the clear blue water of Lake Zurich right outside of the center of the city. In April no less. I also saw a number of cyclists on the bike lane around the 55-kilometer lake.
As far as running, fellow Nambanner and native of Zurich, Christian Sommer, suggested a wonderful course from where I was staying in the center of Zurich, the Hotel Schweizerhof; http://map.search.ch/8023/bahnhofplatz-7
The only real traffic I encountered during the entire 15km run was the trams and train commuters pouring onto the street just outside my hotel at 7am (people start work early in Zurich). After negotiating the first 200 meters from my hotel to the river, I was never forced to stop for traffic. I crossed a pedestrian bridge and followed the Linmat (river) straight out to the lake, running along the "Gold Coast" side of the lake until I reached China Garden, a gift of Kunming. I then returned back to the river, take the first bridge and continuing my run on the other side of the lake. It was all very convenient and efficient. Apparently if I had just a bit more time, the nearby mountain forests offer even more appealing runs.
While I am not yet convinced Zurich would rank at the very top of my triathlon location list (cycling must be tough in January), it was certainly scenic and efficient. Now I am pondering signing up for 2008 edition of Ironman Switzerland