Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Swim Squad - Oxygen Deprivation

Last night, Greg, our Swim Squad Coach, added another element for me to focus on -- keeping my arm stroke more parallel and in line with my body.  Long ago I had been told to create an S-pattern which is correct, but I have been exaggerating this motion.  Greg thinks this is causing my shoulder to hurt.  In any case I will generate greater power and efficiency by using my lat muscles rather than my arm muscles.  Just by thinking about using my lat muscles my stroke felt stronger. 

I continue to concentrate on improving my kick by using very tight rapid strokes.

Problem is that the drills we did last night almost killed me.  One drill entailed breathing only after every 7th stroke.  Before I was one-third of the way across the 50-meter pool I was gasping for breath.  I have a hard time breathing every third breath, let alone every 5th breath or every 7th breath  Somehow I need to improve my lung capacity or the efficiency of my stroke.

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